Novak Djokovic (37 de ani și 7 ATP) debutează la această ediție de Australian Open împotriva americanului Nishesh Basavareddy. Câștigător de zece ori la Melbourne, fostul lider mondial este protagonistului unui material amplu în revista GQ. Deținătorul a 24 de trofee de Mare Șlem a abordat mai multe subiecte, printre care retragerea, convingerile sale politice, deportarea din Australia în 2022, dar și pasiunile din afara sportului pe care-l practică. ...
The main conceptual idea of the text is that Novak Djokovic claims he was poisoned in Australia.
He is quoted as saying he hasn't publicly spoken about this previously, but recent discoveries have led him to believe this. The text provides no further details about the alleged poisoning or the "discoveries" he refers to.
The main conceptual idea of the text is that Novak Djokovic claims he was poisoned in Australia. He is quoted as saying he hasn't publicly spoken about this previously, but recent discoveries have led him to believe this. The text provides no further details about the alleged poisoning or the "discoveries" he refers to.